Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

Zaniest thing I've seen in a while, the Jade Warrior from 1985

Skip the first 30 seconds

Learned about it from http://zelastchancegaragedu78.blogspot.com/ information from http://www.dragzine.com/news/the-jade-warrior-a-truly-insane-and-one-of-a-kind-ride/

The creation of British motorcycle racer Angus MacPhail, who built it himself in his garage, it's called the “Jade Warrior,” did the quarter mile in under 8 seconds a quarter century ago without the use of nitromethane. That's riding on the tip of a bullet.

It was powered by an inline 4-cylinder that blended MacPhail’s own engineering with that of a Ford Cosworth and sported a Roots supercharger producing somewhere between 400 and 500 horsepower.

The frame was, obviously, a completely one-off piece that was built monocoque-style – with a main center section made of alloy and put together with Araldite adhesive and Monel rivets. A well-designed body with ground effects incorporated helped keep it stable and hooked up at close to 200 MPH. Angus claimed it was actually very easy to navigate down the track.

Coolest damn thing you'll see all week. 1913 Harley, heavily optioned,TANDEM !, unrestored, with a quick history and instructions how to start it. WOW

the bike's options are discussed for the first 5 minutes, then the bike is started up and the procedure is wonderfully demonstrated, step by step. (starts at minute 5:30)
Thanks Mike! This is great!

The Camelback locomotive design, used in conjunction with the exceptionally wide Wooten firebox, not safe though

The "Camelback" design, which straddled the cab over the center of the boiler, allowed the exceptional width of the Wooten firebox, which burned lower BTU anthracite coal from Eastern Pennsylvania.

The Locomotives in the picture were also called "Mother Hubbards" among other names. They were discontinued from freight service because if a side rod broke, it would wipe out the cab and if on the engineer's side, the engineer also. In yard service they were much safer because of the lower speed which was not so likely to break a rod and sling it through the cab.
photo from http://www.shorpy.com/node/9335?size=_original

Hair Loss Treatment for Women

hair loss treatmentIf you're a woman, I bet hair loss is on your list of things you don't want as a problem. When you brush your hair and you see there are too much hair coming out with every brushing, it's enough to alarm you to do whatever it needs to stop it. What can be done? The first thing you need to do is to educate yourself on the causes of hair loss in women. You will want to identify the causes in your own case so that you can pursue making the changes that will address this trauma!

Some experts say that a common cause of hair loss in women is due to the overuse of tints, dyes and bleaches. More is not always better. Frequent use of using these chemical products can weaken the hair, making it brittle and prone to breakage or loss. Another of the common causes of hair loss in women is overuse of hairdryers, which will strip natural oils from your hair.

If these causes of hair loss mentioned above fit with your profile, simply avoid those hair losers for a while, use a good hair conditioner, the right hairbrush and do a once-a-month Hair Loss Treatment with Aloe Vera worked through the hair and left for half an hour under a shower cap. This remedy also makes your hair grow faster! Is that enough? Sometimes that simple Treatment for Hair Loss can make hair loss stop, but if you still facing the same problem after implementing those tips, you better find the Hair Loss Treatments that suit to your hair condition. I’ll give you a hint,  at womanhairstyles.blogspot.com, that’s the best site to discover all useful information about Hair Loss and Hair Loss Treatment!

Snake Eats a Lizard

Book Carvings

Stunning book carvings by a Taiwanese artist Long Bin-Chen.