Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

Innovation in steering wheel design, that never went into production... the "Wrist Twist" from Mercury

At Mercury, engineer Bob Rumm produced this one-off 1965 Mercury Park Lane convertible with so-called "wrist-twist" steering controls. The standard steering wheel has been replaced by two 5-inch, wrist-operated dials, that the promo claims frees up knee room, improves visibility and makes parking easier.

Skip the first 45 seconds and the male chauvenist attitude, they are both useless

Found on http://carscoop.blogspot.com/2010/10/what-were-they-thinking-mercurys-wrist.html

What the hell?

New Home for an Old Church

Heuersdorf is a small German town near Leipzig. The entire town is being abandoned as a nearby lignite, or brown coal, mine expands. The community decided to save the 13th-century Emmaus Church and move it to another place. The area surrounding the church was cleared and cracks within the building's structure were repaired with concrete. Engineers then wrapped the church in four steel corsets and painstakingly put a steel-and-concrete base under the church. The church was lifted using hydraulic lifts to make room to move in an enormous, multi-wheeled transport bed. Additional preparations for the €3 million move included repairing roads, diverting small rivers and taking down power, phone and traffic lines. After the 12 km (7.5 mile) trip that lasted 6 days it has been relocated to the nearby town of Borna, right next to one of that town's churches.

Lame Pun Coon Meme