Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

10 Surprising Caffeine Stats That Every Coffee Drinker Should Know

  1. Thirty-two percent of workers say they depend on coffee to make it through the day: A September 2010-published survey commissioned by CareerBuilder and Dunkin' Donuts and conducted by Harris Interactive compiled statistics — the rest are listed immediately below — pertaining to America's need for coffee. Although not specifically mentioned, the survey also provides insight on our dependence on caffeine. In the above statistic, one-third is a large amount considering they drink coffee to "make it through the day" as opposed to, say, just the morning.
  2. Forty-three percent of coffee drinkers say they're less productive without a cup of coffee on the job: What's the consequence for a coffee drinker who misses their morning Joe? Typically, they suffer through a sluggish day in which they don't work at their normal, caffeinated level. That's why people in the office become so irritable when the coffee maker is broken or the supply has run out.
  3. Thirty-seven percent of workers drink at least two cups of coffee during their work day: Habitual caffeine users never settle for just one cup or glass of their favorite caffeinated beverage because it's simply not enough. This statistic fittingly resembles the thirty-two percent of workers who need coffee to make it through the day.
  4. Forty percent of workers aged 18 to 24 say they struggle to concentrate without coffee: Similarly, forty-three percent of workers aged 18 to 34 say they have less energy without their regular cup. The reliance on coffee of younger workers — the ones who should have the most energy — could be an indication of their overall habitual use of caffeine and/or poor sleeping habits. Given the University of Nebraska Medical Center's recent findings regarding children's consumption of caffeine — 75 percent of children consume the stimulant daily — it's reasonable to assume the problem could worsen in the near future.
  5. Nurses and physicians say they need coffee the most: Two of the most demanding professions, in which the hours are long and stress is high, possess the highest percentage of workers who say they're less productive without coffee. Other professions dependent on caffeine include hotel workers, food preparers, engineers, teachers, machine operators and government workers. Where attention to detail and stamina are needed, coffee is the fuel.
  6. Forty-eight percent of Northeasterners say they're less productive without coffee: Home to hectic, fast-paced cities like New York and Boston, Northeasterners tend to be the most dependent on coffee. If they can make it there, they can make it anywhere, so they can't afford to fall behind the rat race by missing their daily dosage of caffeine.
  7. Thirty-Four percent of Midwesterners say they're less productive without coffee: Laid back Midwesterners, despite living in a cold climate, don't seem to prefer coffee. Thirty-four percent is 10 percent lower than the next lowest region, the West, where coffee meccas Seattle and Portland reside. Perhaps Midwesterners would rather enjoy a hot cup of tea, or perhaps many avoid caffeine altogether.
  8. Tampa was America's most caffeinated city in 2008: Although a 2010 survey from The Daily Beast indicates that Seattle is the most caffeinated city in the country, a more surprising city took the title two years earlier when HealthSaver placed Tampa in the No. 1 spot. HealthSaver also found that Tampa residents are the "most likely to take pain relievers to contain caffeine."
  9. Pregnant women who consume 200 milligrams of caffeine per day may double their chances of miscarriage: The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology study published in January 2008 advises expecting mothers to consume less than 10 ounces of coffee per day in order to reduce the risk. Of the 164 women who said they consumed 200 milligrams or more of caffeine, 24.5 percent miscarried, while just 12.5 percent of those who said they consumed no caffeine miscarried.
  10. Classic stat: in 2003, eighty to ninety percent of adults said they regularly used caffeine: Additionally, American caffeine users consumed about 280 milligrams daily on average, which is almost equivalent to two cups of coffee. In Europe, it's estimated that some coffee-loving countries average higher intakes. Westerners certainly love their Joe, but has our dependence become excessive?


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